
Debug in the qemu

When debugging, you might need to lower the compilation level. The provided .config file should already be configured for this, but if not, you can manually configure it.

Entering menuconfig

GDB Setup

If you encounter issues, consider the following:

  1. Enlarge the Window: Sometimes, the display issues can be resolved by simply increasing the window size.
  2. Check Bash Environment Variables: Ensure $CROSS_COMPILE and $ARCH are set. These should have been configured earlier.
    • Add to ~/.bashrc:
      export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
      export ARCH=arm64
    • Set kernel hacking > Rust Hacking > Optimization level > debug-level to the lowest.

Using GDB for Remote Debugging

To debug the kernel, add -s -S to the kernel startup command (-s starts the gdb server, -S halts execution until continue is executed). For example:

qemu-system-aarch64 -nographic -kernel arch/arm64/boot/Image -initrd ../arm64_ramdisk/rootfs.cpio.gz -machine type=virt -cpu cortex-a57 -append "rdinit=/linuxrc console=ttyAMA0" -device virtio-scsi-device -smp 1 -m 4096 -s -S

Then, in a new window, start gdb (e.g., rust-gdb). In gdb, enter:

rust-gdb \
--tui vmlinux \
-ex "target remote localhost:1234" \
-ex "set architecture aarch64" \
-ex "set auto-load safe-path" \
-ex "set lang rust"

Setting Breakpoints in GDB

For example, to set a breakpoint at line 159 in kernel/rros/, use:

b kernel/rros/

Then start debugging with continue.

Common GDB Commands

cContinue to the next breakpoint
b filename:linenoSet a breakpoint at specified line
p variablePrint a variable
x/Print data at an address
finishJump to the end of the current function
frameView stack frame
nNext step, without entering functions
sStep into, possibly entering functions

VSCode Debugging

  1. Start qemu in command line as shown above.
  2. In the .vscode folder at the project root, open or create launch.json and paste the following configuration:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "kernel-debug",
            "type": "cppdbg",
            "request": "launch",
            "miDebuggerServerAddress": "",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/vmlinux",
            "args": [],
            "stopAtEntry": false,
            "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
            "environment": [],
            "externalConsole": false,
            "logging": {
                "engineLogging": false
            "MIMode": "gdb",
            "miDebuggerPath" : "/root/.cargo/bin/rust-gdb",
            "setupCommands": [
                    "description": "set language rust",
                    "text": "set lang rust",
                    "ignoreFailures": true

Set breakpoints by clicking on the line number and start debugging with F5.

Using GDB Commands in VSCode

Enter GDB commands in the DEBUG CONSOLE with -exec {gdb command}.


Kernel Panic and Infinite Reboot

To disable this feature:

  1. Change QEMU Options: Add -no-reboot to the QEMU run options.
  2. Modify Compilation Options: In make menuconfig, under Rust Hacking, adjust Panic timeout to a higher number.

Analyzing Kernel Panic

  1. Using VSCode: The debugger will stop at the error location during a panic.
  2. Using GDB or VSCode Debug Console: Use info symbol <address> to find the symbol at a specific address.

This guide provides a comprehensive approach to debugging with GDB and VSCode, including setting up the environment, running QEMU for debugging, and analyzing kernel panics.

Debug in the raspi

  1. Hardware:

    • Raspberry Pi 4B
    • J-Link V11
    • 8 Dupont lines (jumper wires)
  2. Configuration: 2.1 Hardware Connection:

    • To use the J-Link emulator with the Raspberry Pi, first connect the J-Link’s JTAG interface to the Raspberry Pi’s expansion board using Dupont lines. The Raspberry Pi’s expansion interface already includes a JTAG interface. The J-Link emulator provides a 20-pin JTAG interface.
    • Connect 8 wires between the Raspberry Pi and the J-Link emulator as shown in the table (not displayed here).
    • Power up the Raspberry Pi and connect the J-Link’s USB interface to the host computer.

    2.2 Raspberry Pi Configuration:

    • In /boot/cmdline.txt, add the parameters rodata=off nosmp. rodata=off makes the kernel code segment writable, which is necessary for setting software breakpoints during debugging. nosmp runs the kernel in single-core mode, as multi-core debugging is not yet perfected.
    • In /boot/config.txt, add the following parameters to enable the JTAG serial port and disable the default pull-down of GPIO pins:

    2.3 Host Debugging Machine Configuration:

    • On Windows 11, use OpenOCD for debugging the Raspberry Pi. The connection is as follows: gdb → openocd → jlink → Raspberry Pi.
    • Install the libusb-winusb driver for connecting J-Link with OpenOCD on Windows (not required for Linux). Use Zadig from for this purpose.
    • If the J-Link is not recognized in the Device Manager, download a newer version of the J-Link software package from
    • Use Zadig to install the libusb-winusb driver for the J-Link device.
  3. Debugging:

    • Install OpenOCD from
    • Copy the raspberrypi4.cfg file from to the OpenOCD bin directory and modify it for debugging only CPU0.
    • Run OpenOCD with administrator privileges using the command: openocd.exe -f ..\share\openocd\scripts\interface\jlink.cfg -f raspberrypi4.cfg.
    • Open another command line, navigate to the kernel source folder, and run gdb-multiarch --tui vmlinux.
    • In GDB, connect to the target using target extended-remote localhost:3333.
    • You can now start normal debugging (refer to section 5 of “Using libevl for RROS testing” for further steps).